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Reach New Heights with Effective Consulting, Business Coaching, and Personal Coaching.

Stay on Your Upward Trajectory with Gimbal Path.

A division of New-Ride Design.

Identify opportunities, pitfalls, and prioritize accordingly

Save time and money while growing your business

Improve decision making

Realize better work / life balance

Improve processes and routines

Reduce or eliminate that "overwhelmed" feeling

Find trusted technology solutions to better support your business

Acquire resources and information customized to your personal or business needs

Introductions to potential strategic partners


Why Gimbal Path?

Imagine your energy, passion, vision, and inspiration as the fuel propelling you toward your goals.  Inspired by the Apollo moon missions, engineers designed the rocket engines to GIMBAL, or slightly change direction to keep the rocket and the mission on the trajectory needed for success.

The ability to gimbal kept space flights on the right path - on its trajectory for a successful mission.  On one Apollo launch - one of the five engines failed and the other engines gimballed to stay on course.  Gimbal of the engines kept them from aborting the mission, and better yet they reached orbit as planned, and onward to the moon.

If you are looking to build or grow your business, or improve as a person to be your highest and best, Gimbal Path can help.

Our mission is to inspire hope and certainty with simple actions, valuable resources, and guidance to help you stay on course for YOUR mission.


Free 30 Minute Introduction Call

Are we a good fit?  Let's find out.
We offer a free 30-minute zoom introduction call to listen, learn, and see if continued consulting or coaching with Gimbal Path is the right fit for you.

Click here to request our first meeting together!

Frequently Asked

Why Gimbal Path?
Take advantage of guidance from consultants and coaches with decades of experience.  Identify opportunities and avoid pitfalls, often just in your first introduction call.

We listen completely to fully understand your vision and goals, challenges, and opportunities to effectively and ethically guide you.  Our experience and transparent approach helps clients

  1. Understand realistic expectations
  2. Achieve simple action steps for progress
  3. Take advantage of valuable resources and introductions to our trusted network (if applicable)
Do you offer both Personal Coaching AND Business Coaching?


Personal Coaching:  We have helped clients who want to improve their lives in some way, better accomplish goals (whether tangible or emotional), as well as work through traumatic events, or better manage relationships.  We'll know within your free 30-minute introduction call we can help.

Business Coaching:  We've worked with hundreds of businesses in various industries and different personality types.  We understand your challenges and know the excitement of trying to accomplish your goals.  Interestingly, many of our Business Coaching clients end up in a mix of both Business AND Personal Coaching since the work/life balance is often a challenge.

Business Consulting:   Our clients typically realize results in the areas of effective brainstorming and idea generation, business development, streamlining internal processes, marketing campaigns, technology implementations, PR, marketing/advertising, cost-reduction savings, and more.  In addition, we have an extensive network of trusted technology providers, vendors, and consultants that often lead to introductions with experts in areas we don't accommodate, and alliances that can improve your business.

What does it cost?

We offer a free introductory 30-minute call to determine if consulting/coaching is the right approach.  You need to feel comfortable and aligned, and so do we.

$135/hr for consulting, coaching, and other efforts if requested (such as preparing a "roadmap" that outlines your goals, opportunities, challenges, and prioritized plan).

We're fair, and bill ONLY for the time we're engaged - nothing more. 

What do events cost?

We are STOKED if you can attend one of our speaking events!  Prices differ, so please click on Eventbrite link on Events page for specific details of each event.  Also, keep an eye out for webinars offered for those who aren't geographically available to attend in person.

Note: For those who have attended some of our free events in the past, even our "smaller events" now charge some sort of minimum fee due to selling out seats only to have many RSVP's "no show" since they had nothing to lose.

In-person or Zoom?

Most meetings with a consultant or coach are via Zoom.  If the opportunity to meet in-person is possible, we love meeting clients face to face!

When will I realize results?

Impossible to answer...  every client has different needs and goals for themselves or their business, and measure performance differently.  However, we're honest and only want to work together if it's a good fit and our clients are experiencing value.  If you feel you haven't realized value from your first paid 1 hour meeting and it turns out we're just simply not aligned - we'll refund your payment fully.

Can you help with our technology needs?

Absolutely!  Our consultants provide over 60 year's experience working with legacy, current, and emerging technologies to help you implement what best suits your requirements.  Contact us for more information or to be introduced to our technology partners.


“Jon’s guidance over the years has helped me and my business grow steadily and smartly – and saved me from spending tons of money with a traditional marketing agency.”

Andy H.

Signature Landscape

“As a coach myself, Jon and Gimbal Path (his team of consultants) have helped my business smartly and affordably find our direction and the best solutions to implement. He shares my purpose and takes true ownership of my business as if a partner.”

Jeff C.

Chamberlain Chiropractic

“I’ve relied on coaching and consulting from Jon (through his New-Ride Design) since 2009 and am excited for Gimbal Path to provide those opportunities to more clients and businesses.  His ethical approach, life experience, and understanding of business provide a perspective that enables me to make better decisions for my business, and my personal life.”

David S.

Independent Health Provider Consultant

We Look Forward To Hearing From You

30 Minute FREE Introduction Meeting

Are we a good fit?  Can we offer value?  Let's find out.
We offer a free 30-minute zoom introduction meeting to listen, learn, and see if continued consulting or coaching with Gimbal Path is a good fit to help you move upward and onward.

Click here to schedule >


Email us with questions or to
schedule an intro call/zoom.


