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Schedule a Meeting

We value working with you!  Use options below to schedule our next meeting together.

30 Minute Consulting/Coaching Call

30 minute consulting/coaching call with Gimbal Path.  Stay on course, even if it's a quick check in...

Click here to schedule >

60 Minute Consulting/Coaching Call

60 minutes is the typical meeting requested so we can provide a deeper level of guidance and resources needed to keep you on course.

Click here to schedule >

90 Minute Consulting/Coaching Call

90 minutes of consulting/coaching, real-time efforts getting things done, and deeper development of next steps needed to keep you on your trajectory.

Click here to schedule >

Pricing and Billing

We are honest, ethical, and transparent in our communication and how we run our business.  Please read pricing information below to understand "Our Client Experience" with meetings and billing:

  1. Rate: $135/hr is our professional hourly rate to provide our experience, guidance, resources, and or connections to our trusted network to help you reach your goals.
  2. Ethical and transparent time tracking:  We ONLY bill for time we have dedicated to you...  For example, if you schedule a 60-minute meeting and "something happens" that causes our meeting to end after only 43 minutes - you're only billed for the 43 minutes we've been engaged.
  3. Payments:  When our meeting and any follow up efforts are completed and provided to you, we’ll send a payment request for our efforts/time. Payment is due 7 days after services are rendered, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing (ex: some clients prefer to be billed monthly, just let us know if that’s what you prefer.)
  4. We do not force short or long-term commitment: We do not “sell” our clients into bundles of time or commitments to continue scheduling more appointments.  Clients schedule according to their needs and how aggressively they want to improve and grow towards success. If you prefer to have a standing schedule to meet, let us know and we’ll work that out according to your needs.
  5. If you need to cancel an appointment, please do so within 24 hours so we can schedule another client during that time.  If cancellations are repeatedly done “last minute,” we’ll discuss with you other options that may fit better into your schedule to respect one another’s time.

Terms and Conditions

Thank you for considering our consulting and coaching services. Please take a moment to read through the following terms and conditions before engaging our services.

  1. We offer consulting and coaching services to individuals and organizations seeking professional guidance in areas related to business growth, business development, digital marketing and web ops, advertising, as well as personal development (Life Coaching). The exact scope of services are unique to every client.
  2. We will maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information shared during coaching and consulting engagements. Any information shared by the client during coaching or consulting sessions will be kept confidential, except in cases where disclosure is required by law or where the client gives explicit consent to disclose information. Please provide a mutual NDA should it be required, or ask us to provide our standard NDA in cases where confidentiality is a particularly high risk.
  3. Gimbal Path / New-Ride Enterprises, Inc. shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or related to any coaching or consulting engagement, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise.
  4. Gimbal Path does not, and cannot guarantee results for its clients.
  5. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the consultant/coach is located. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the relevant arbitration organization.

By engaging our consulting or coaching services, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.




Email us with questions or to
schedule an intro call/zoom.


