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Stay On Course

Our mission is to inspire hope and certainty by listening completely to your challenges, goals and vision - then provide simple actions, valuable resources, and guidance to help you stay on course for YOUR mission, regardless of whether for business or personal triumph.

Jon Rottier
Founder of Gimbal Path

Our Values & Beliefs

Listen, Then Listen More

Jon and his team pride themselves on listening completely to clients to fully understand “the whole picture” before providing feedback and guidance.  Our clients are often surprised at how seemingly unrelated issues are steering them away from their desired path.

Honest and Ethical Approach

Our clients’ goals come first.  Gimbal Path Consulting and Coaching clients experience honest guidance and transparent communication with an ethical approach that has become the foundation of our success.

Win Win Win

Our vision is to have a “win” for all involved.  For our Life/Personal Coaching clients, they should feel and experience inspiration and value from our guidance and resources provided.  That’s a natural win for Gimbal Path knowing we provided value.  Same thing for business clients but a win for the us providing value, win for client receiving value, and a win for their customers.

About the Founder

Gimbal Path is a division of New-Ride Design, founded by Jon Rottier.  As the 6th employee of a startup software firm in 1999, commanding the role of Marketing Director, Jon helped grow the firm to 150+ FTE’s until the company was acquired by ORACLE.  In addition to fulfilling his role as Marketing Director, he advised and was the confidant of the President and CEO, and as is the case with any startup – wore many other hats and held way more responsibility than just that of his title.

After the acquisition, Jon started New-Ride Design – a marketing agency specifically targeted to SMB’s.  Driven by his passion and giving nature, he wanted to share his experience with others to reach their goals.  Since 2006 Jon has worked with hundreds of companies and likely every type of personality type to help them succeed or improve in ways that fit their needs.

Over the course of that time, with feedback from his clients he realized he wasn’t only providing technology implementations and marketing campaigns – he was consulting and coaching them most of the time to better manage priorities, projects, and emotional management.

Gimbal Path was created as a part of New-Ride Design to provide dedicated Consulting and Coaching to business leaders as well as people who are working through challenges or motivated to improve their lives personally.


Explore New Heights
with Gimbal Path.